Secondhand Prophets is a red dirt, white knuckle, blue collar, musical experience out of Abilene, Texas. Playing years of music has forged a style and sound that is our own. A Secondhand Prophets blend of outlaw country, jazz, blues, and good ol' rock hits exceptionally hard in this group. We’re loaded with original music and we carefully pick our covers to put our brand on. SHP brings both barrels, all at once. Great studio cuts, raw live energy, and our lyrics all punch you in the gut! 
Needless to say, you haven't seen anything yet! 

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Did you see us live? Most don't get a chance to make it to the stage, and say hi! We hope you enjoyed the show! Thank you for your generosity! We hope you can catch us live next time, and say hi!

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Jimmy Fuentes Productions Fire Studios